If your email doesn’t already include spam filtering; spam filtering services are a great option and will allow you to avoid the maintenance and cost of having your own in house solution.

This top 20 list is a list of the spam filtering services that rank in the top 20 results when doing a Google search for spam filtering service.  There’s some on this list I’m not familiar with.  This list is NOT an endorsement of any of these services. It’s just a list. I disregarded any paid ads and non-spam filtering service links.

All spam filtering services are listed in alphabetical order and there placement in the list in no way indicates which I think it better and since I haven’t used these all this list should not be confused as endorsing them.  In the future I may have time to do a recommended list and some reviews on specific services.

Best Spam Filter Services

  1. https://mxguarddog.com/
  2. https://www.everycloudtech.com/
  3. https://www.spamtitan.com/spam-filtering-service/
  4. https://www.cudamail.com/
  5. https://www.mimecast.com/content/email-filtering-service
  6. https://www.comodo.com/business-security/email-security/antispam-gateway.php
  7. https://www.icorps.com/spam-filtering
  8. https://www.mailroute.net/
  9. https://www.infoquest.com/spam-filtering-service/
  10. https://www.mailcleaner.net/antispam/cloud.html/
  11. https://spamwall.com/
  12. https://www.roaringpenguin.com/products/hosted-canit-antispam
  13. https://www.spamhero.com/
  14. http://www.spam-filter.com/
  15. https://www.spamraptor.com/pricing-features-spam-filtering-service-google-promo/
  16. https://www.solarwindsmsp.com/content/cloud-based-spam-filtering
  17. http://www.securence.com/spam-filtering-technology/
  18. https://www.duocircle.com/blog/monthly-spam-filtering-service/
  19. https://www.nexustek.com/spam-filtering
  20. http://www.junkemailfilter.com/spam/